Thursday, 9 June 2011

No3 The Death of the Handwritten Script?...

Reflective Journal Entry No3 09/06/11

As with most skills these days, it is the craft of writing by your own hand, which is now being seriously undermined by 'modern technology'. While the advance in digital technology is in the main a good thing, I believe that it has also allowed a high degree of complacency and in some cases lazyness to creep into contemporary communications. It was certainly very different for me as child when from the age of nearly 5 I was encouraged to practice, practice and still practice my handwriting, and when I mentioned this fact it is viewed with a sense of bewilderment by a younger generation, who's ease with the modern digital technologies in most cases they just ask 'why?'

I do find that over the last 15 years in particular, both from my own Professional Practice in it's latter stages and into my first foray into Teaching, the loss of basic skills, writing a handwritten letter, even signing their own signatures and basic note taking, appears to be beyond generations below the age of 25? I found it deeply worrying when I would be looking at young designers or graduates CV's and letters of application who had applied for the advertised position, just how many who could not write a 'both upper and lower case' many with just joined up caps, these would not be on the candidate list.

As I said this is a personal view and some might say this is wrong? Well lets debate this, get a discussion going put the topic out there and see what people think?

For this latest aspect of my blog I want to test this out and these 'Reflective Journal' entries are now part of this process, and will feed directly into my dissertation.

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